Working Hard and Working Smart: Review, Reflect, Relax


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Week 5: Working Hard and Working Smart

Today’s Easy Task:  Analyze how well you committed to Working Hard and Working Smart!

How to rock this task: 

  • We will Review the six FAITH AND FIT 90 tasks, prayers and scriptures for the week
  • We will Reflect on the changes we have made on Working Hard and Working Smart
  • We will Relax, because tomorrow we start our next series Week 6: Getting Out of Debt and Keeping Out of Debt.

Let's Reflect

Day 29: We wrote a list of things that we had been putting off. Then we did the 15-minute rule for each thing on the list. Please write examples of how well the 15-minute rule help you complete the list of things you have been putting off.

Day 30:   We evaluated if the work we did build or damaged character and then thought of ways we could improve building our character when working....

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Leave a Legacy


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Week 5: Working Hard and Working Smart

Today’s Easy Task:  Write down how you will lead your family to becoming wealth and health builder from generation to generation

How to rock this task: 

  • Write down how you will lead your family to becoming wealth and health builder from generation to generation

Today's Devotional:

Now that you know that working hard brings profit, we should focus on how we can lead our families into becoming wealth and health builders from generation to generation. I can’t stress enough how important it is for us to write the steps we need to achieve our goals (Habakkuk 2:2- 3). We should put our steps on a vision board so it can become reality.

  1. God want us to invest wisely our gifts of time, skills and abilities. It’s important that we don’t play it safe and hide or put off the gift for another day.


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Hard Work Brings Profit


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Week 5: Working Hard and Working Smart

Today’s Easy Task:  

Ask ourselves how is the condition our heart as we pursue health and wealth? Are we okay with deceiving, stealing, cheating, and hurting to reach our health and wealth goals?

How to rock this task: 

  • Check your heart as you read 1 Timothy 6:9-11

Today's Devotional:

Now that we know what we want in our lives in the next 5 years, we will check our heart and read 1 Timothy 6:9-11 as we work hard. We want to work hard for the right things. Hard work leads to profit and just talk leads to poverty (Proverbs 14:23). So when we are actively participating in the action steps of reaching our goals, we are fulfilling a purpose. To bring our opponents to shame, let our works be good, full of integrity, illustrate dignity and be full of wisdom (Titus 2:7-8).

It’s important to realize that we...

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Set Goals > Be Diligent > Seek Godly Counsel


New to Faith and Fit 90 Challenge? Subscribe to the Faith and Fit 90 Challenge Playlist HERE.

Week 5: Working Hard and Working Smart

Today’s Easy Task:  

Write down what we want in our lives in the next 5 years and let that list be our five year goal

How to rock this task: 

  • Write down what you want in your life in the next 5 years
  • Let your list be your five year goal

Today's Devotional:

If we crave success and don’t know how to get it, we probably lack diligence. Proverbs 13:4 says that the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the diligent is richly supplied. Also, Proverbs 10:14 says that the lazy hand causes poverty, but the diligent hand is rich. So whatever we do, DON’T procrastinate. The perfect time to pursue is now! If we are faithful in the small, we’ll be faithful with the grand. That means if we can be trusted with a little, we can be trusted with a lot (Luke 16:10). On the other hand, if we are dishonest with a...

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Spend Wisely


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Week 5: Working Hard and Working Smart

Today’s Easy Task:  Ask God to guide us to right investments

How to rock this task: 

  • Improve health and wealth routine

Today's Devotional:

Today task is we are just going to focus on making the right investment and sticking to it for 90 days. We want to be healthy and we want to be wealthy. There are numerous ways we can go to reach our health and wealth goals. Whatever path we choose we must ask ourselves if I start this habit is this something I can actually do for 90 days. We shouldn’t start it unless we can finish it.

We are into our 5th week, were we able to stick to the routine we setup in week 2. If not, we may need to tweak the routine and actually consider doing something we can stick to for 90 days.

We should select health and wealth investments that are the best fit for us. An example of wealth...

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Committing Works to the Lord for Plans to Succeed


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Week 5: Working Hard and Working Smart

Today’s Easy Task:  Evaluate if our work builds or damages character

How to rock this task: 

  • Evaluate if the way you worked today built or damaged character
  • Think of ways to improve your character

Today's Devotional:

Yesterday, we mentioned how we want to be hardworking like an ant and not lazy. In today’s task we will focus on building Godly character. We are not building character when we rush through work, leaving things incomplete, only working when it’s fun, lollygagging, and half doing our job. We are building character when we work persistently, with completeness, with honesty, with enthusiasm, with efficiency and with the ability to keep promises.

It’s important that we make decision that aligns ourselves with God’s Plan. That includes studying God’s word, praying God’s...

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Maximizing Efforts


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Week 5: Working Hard and Working Smart

Today’s Easy Task: Do the 15 minute rule 

How to rock this task: 

  • Set our timer for 15 minutes
  • Do whatever task that needs to done in those 15 minutes

Today's Devotional:

This week we will focus on working smarter and not harder by eliminating procrastination.  Constantly putting things off is a form of laziness or inability to focus.  It causes us to feel stressed when facing a deadline or do below average work.  So today’s task we will do the 15-minute rule.  It is a perfect technique for anyone who needs help with just getting started.  First we will get our phone and set our timer for 15 minutes.  Then we will do whatever task that needs to be done in those 15 minutes.  Then after the 15 minutes is up, we can stop doing the task, but we will most likely find...

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50% Complete



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