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Week 5: Working Hard and Working Smart
Today’s Easy Task: Write down how you will lead your family to becoming wealth and health builder from generation to generation
How to rock this task:
Today's Devotional:
Now that you know that working hard brings profit, we should focus on how we can lead our families into becoming wealth and health builders from generation to generation. I can’t stress enough how important it is for us to write the steps we need to achieve our goals (Habakkuk 2:2- 3). We should put our steps on a vision board so it can become reality.
God want us to invest wisely our gifts of time, skills and abilities. It’s important that we don’t play it safe and hide or put off the gift for another day.
We should create clear intention how we will change our family legacy into wealth builders, but what good is wealth if we are too sick, weak and in pain to use our gifts God blessed us with. Honestly, saying what we mean and meaning what we say, letting go of the things and people who hinder us, asking God to show us our gifts and best way to use them. Binding the spirit of poverty, spirit of gluttony, spirit of depression, and spirit of pride are great lessons we can pass down from generation to generation.
The spirit of poverty happens when a person think that having money is bad. It is not money that is bad, but the love of money that is bad (1 Timothy 6:10). Also, the spirit of poverty happens when a person think if I don’t have, others shouldn’t have either. This thinking causes division and God warns us all who causes strife will not inherit the kingdom of God (Galatians 5:19-21).
The spirit of gluttony happens when we devote hours and hours of time for food, internet, media, and ourselves instead of prayer, bible study and worship. It is when we desire more than what we actually need and that need is never fulfilled. The Lord warns us to not connect with
individuals who drink and eat too much, because they become poor and disgraceful (Proverbs 23:20-21). It’s important that we should not let our appetite control us, but we should control our appetite.
The spirit of depression happens when we are fearful of poverty and lacking. However, if we spend 20 minutes in praise and worship to God instead of eating it will lift the heaviness that depression brings.
The spirit of pride happens when we think our hard work was the result of our wealth. Good gifts come from God (James 1:17). So we must stay humble, so God can lift us up (James 4:10), because pride comes right before a fall (Proverbs 16:18).
The best way to bind the spirit of poverty, gluttony, depression and pride is to work as you are serving God and not man with thankfulness, self-control, praise, and humbleness.
Today’s Prayer:
God, My father, my creator, my healer and my sustainer. You rule in heaven and on earth. Thank You for loving me and caring for me. I love You and adore you. I’m honor to be a member in Your family. You are wise, all-powerful, all-knowing and all-present. I submit myself to Your ways. You rule my life! I give up my wants so I can remain in You and You can remain in me. So I can bear good fruit in when I’m using my gifts for Your glory. Help me to trust the path You have laid out for me even though I don’t understand it. Help me to obey You with a joyful heart. Provide everything I need this day. Bind the spirit of poverty, gluttony, depression and pride and loose the spirit of thankfulness, self-control, praise and humbleness. Forgive us for crossing the lines we shouldn’t have cross, missing the mark for doing good, andthe consequences of our shortcomings. Help us to forgive others so we can give love genuinely. Help us to release the hurt and grudge in our hearts. God you are in charge, You can do anything, You are the ruler of my life forever and ever. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Today's Scriptures:
Habakkuk 2:2-3, 1 Timothy 6:10, Galatians 5:19-21, Proverbs 23:20-21, James 1:17, Proverbs 16:18
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