Set Goals > Be Diligent > Seek Godly Counsel


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Week 5: Working Hard and Working Smart

Today’s Easy Task:  

Write down what we want in our lives in the next 5 years and let that list be our five year goal

How to rock this task: 

  • Write down what you want in your life in the next 5 years
  • Let your list be your five year goal

Today's Devotional:

If we crave success and don’t know how to get it, we probably lack diligence. Proverbs 13:4 says that the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the diligent is richly supplied. Also, Proverbs 10:14 says that the lazy hand causes poverty, but the diligent hand is rich. So whatever we do, DON’T procrastinate. The perfect time to pursue is now! If we are faithful in the small, we’ll be faithful with the grand. That means if we can be trusted with a little, we can be trusted with a lot (Luke 16:10). On the other hand, if we are dishonest with a little, we’ll be dishonest with a lot. That’s why integrity and honesty are very important.

When we are working our efforts should be focused on serving God. It will keep our heart encouraged and in high spirits, because people can bring us up and bring us down. However, God will always lift us up as we serve Him. Providing for our family is a way we are honoring God and if we don’t provide for our family, God considers us worst than unbelievers (1 Timothy 5:8).

If we want to earn money, it’s better to seek counsel from someone who has money than someone who is broke. We must be wise when seeking counsel, because many plans fail due to lack of counsel (Proverbs 15:22). The more advisors we have, the more likely our plans will succeed. Before major purchases and borrowing, pray and seek God’s counsel. It could keep us from making mistakes.

What do we want in your life in the next 5 years? Write them down and let the list be our five year goal. Don’t worry about how! Trust God to make a way! If it’s something we know we could not succeed at doing without God helping us, we are on the right track. God can do anything, even if it requires a miracle. God can help us reach our goals. It’s hard to write goals when we can’t see how it can happen, but let’s take a step of faith. Abide in God and in the Bible. We’ll begin to see our goals, interest and desires align more with God’s goals, interests and desires. If we abide in God and His Word abides in us, our goals, interest and desires will be completed (John 15:7). Always pray and ask God to align our goals with His, so we can be 100% clear that we are in His will. Let’s just stay honest about how we feel and ask what steps we need to take to reach our goals.

Today’s Prayer:

God, You are all-powerful and all-knowing there is no one in heaven and on earth that is above You. I pray for more of You here on earth as it is in heaven. We need Your presence in our home, schools, jobs, businesses, streets, cars, music, entertainment, etc. Help us to be diligent always! Help us to abide in You and Your Word so that You and Your Word abide in us. Help us to align our goals with Yours Lord, so we can be 100% clear that we are in Your will. Give us the wisdom, knowledge, and strength we need to have character as we do Your will and take the necessary steps to reach our goals. God help us find wise counsel and advisors to help our plans succeed. We have fallen short and haven’t lived to our full potential. Please forgive us and help us forgive others. Help us to run through troops and leap over walls even we are surrounded by enemies so we can win the victory. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Today's Scriptures:

Proverbs 13:4, Proverbs 10:14, Luke 16:10, 1 Timothy 5:8, Proverbs 15:22, John 15:7


Tweet: Today I will write down what I want in my life in the next 5 years. Day 32 #FaithandFit90 #WorkingHardandWorkingSmart #SetAGoal #BeDiligent #SeekGodlyCounsel

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