Spend Wisely


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Week 5: Working Hard and Working Smart

Today’s Easy Task:  Ask God to guide us to right investments

How to rock this task: 

  • Improve health and wealth routine

Today's Devotional:

Today task is we are just going to focus on making the right investment and sticking to it for 90 days. We want to be healthy and we want to be wealthy. There are numerous ways we can go to reach our health and wealth goals. Whatever path we choose we must ask ourselves if I start this habit is this something I can actually do for 90 days. We shouldn’t start it unless we can finish it.

We are into our 5th week, were we able to stick to the routine we setup in week 2. If not, we may need to tweak the routine and actually consider doing something we can stick to for 90 days.

We should select health and wealth investments that are the best fit for us. An example of wealth investment is paying with cash to save and avoid monthly subscription charges. An example of a health investment is not eating 5 hours before bedtime so our body can stay in the REM stage of sleep longer, which repairs and heals the body. Whatever investment we choose, we must ask God to bless it, make the most of it and not be wasteful.

After Jesus fed the 5,000 people with two fishes and five loaves of bread, He asked for His disciples to gather the leftovers because he didn’t want to be wasteful (Matthew 14:13-22). Even Jesus wasn’t wasteful. In America, so many things are wasted. Americans need to get in the habit of minimizing waste and living on less than we make, paying ourselves with savings, making our money work for us through investing and giving to enhance God’s ministry and people. We need to get in the habit of getting enough sleep, drink pure water, taking the right supplements, eating whole clean foods and exercising to build our health.


Today’s Prayer:

God, You are worthy of all glory honor and praise in heaven and on earth. Let your presence our lives, our city, our state, our country and the world. Lord there are so many paths we can take to achieve great health and wealth. Lord guide us to the right health and wealth investments. Lord lead us to habits we cannot just start, but finish for 90 days. Thank you for being our guide, corrector and sustainer. Forgive us for starting investments without completing them. Help us to forgive others like You have forgiven us. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Today's Scriptures:

Matthew 14:13-21


Tweet: Today I will invest in health and wealth routine that I am actually able to stick to it for 90 days. Day 31 #FaithandFit90 #WorkingHardandWorkingSmart #SpendWiselyandDonotBeWasteful

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Live Healthier and Wealthier God's Way!


Want this week of the Faith & Fit 90 in physical book format?  You can get a printed copy of Building Faith by Vernice Maz at the following link https://amzn.to/3iI38iE


50% Complete



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