Practicing Weekly Rest


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Week 2: Using the Bible for Guidance

Today’s Easy Task:  Prepare a Sabbath Day Fast

How to rock this task: 

  • Try partial fast – excluding dairy, meat & alcohol for a day (Daniel 10:3) 
  • Try complete fast – drinking water or juice for a day   
  • Cut out spending for a whole day 
  • Gain strength by relying on the Holy Spirit and the Holy Bible (Luke 4:1-2) 

Today's Devotional:

Yesterday, you created a health and wealth routine! That’s Awesome!

Now is the time to prepare for your fast on the Sabbath! Officially the sabbath is Friday sundown to Saturday sundown, so if you can rest on the Sabbath, do it. Matthew 11:28-29 says, “come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” One day out of the week, you should fully rest just like God, the creator of heavens and earth...

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