Seeking God First for Provision


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Week 6:  Getting Out of Debt and Keeping Out of Debt

Today’s Easy Task: Pray in the Spirit first thing every morning

How to rock this task: 

  • Get to a quiet place
  • Write down the areas in your life that lack provision
  • Pray in the Spirit first thing every morning for provision in those areas

Today's Devotional:

Now that you know that we shouldn’t wait for the perfect time to tackle our debt, we should focus on seeking God first for provision.

Even the busiest people make time to add ministry to their schedule. They trust God to make a way and God guides and protects them as they take the steps to do God’s will. They believe God knows what’s best and helps them manage all that He has given to them.

If we fail to manage what God has given, God will take it from us. We must use the talents that God has given us to keep them from being taken...

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Get Out of Debt and Keep Out of Debt: Reviewing, Reflecting and Relaxing


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Week 6:Getting Out of Debt and Keeping Out of Debt

Today’s Easy Task:  Review, Reflect and Relax

How to rock this task: 

  • We will review the six FAITH AND FIT 90 tasks, prayers, and scriptures for the week
  • We will Reflect on the changes we have made in getting out of debt and keeping
  • We will Relax because tomorrow we start our next series  Week 7: Saving and Investing

Let's Review

This Week's Tasks:

  • Day 36: Create a one-page budget
  • Day 37: Don’t rest until we are out of all cosigned and rushed signed contractual arrangements
  • Day 38: Pay off debt with the snowball method
  • Day 39: Break the habit of complaining
  • Day 40: Tackle the debt right now to keep it from getting worse o Day 41: Pray in the Spirit for provision first thing every morning

Let's Reflect

Day 36:  We wrote a one-page budget and tried to...

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Never Wait for the Perfect Time


New to Faith and Fit 90 Challenge? Subscribe to the Faith and Fit 90 Challenge Playlist HERE.

Week 6:  Getting Out of Debt and Keeping Out of Debt

Today’s Easy Task:  Tackle the debt right now to keep it from getting worse

How to rock this task: 

  • Try asking for debt forgiveness
  • Try reducing your monthly expenses to 33% or less of your monthly income
  • Try making extra money

Today's Devotional:

Today we are going to focus on not waiting for the perfect time to tackle our debt; instead, we will start tackling our debt right now! When our debt is so huge, it is so easy for us to just focus on doing the minimum, because that is what we believe we can afford to pay. So we pay the minimum because we expect to get a big payoff in the future. However, it is not wise to wait for that big financial payoff, because we don’t know when and if it would ever happen. We could be waiting forever and in the prison of debt longer than necessary.


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Living with a Little or a Lot


New to Faith and Fit 90 Challenge? Subscribe to the Faith and Fit 90 Challenge Playlist HERE.

Week 6:Getting Out of Debt and Keeping Out of Debt

Today’s Easy Task:  Break the habit of complaining

How to rock this task: 

  • Try creating a gratitude list
  • Try complimenting, recognizing, praising the good deeds of God and others
  • Try focusing on successes instead of failures
  • Try forgiving individuals and circumstance that hurts us
  • Try to stop complaining and take steps to change what we can
  • Try appreciating the things we have
  • Try breaking attachment to things and putting our focus on fulfilling the purpose God has for us

Today's Devotional:

We’ve made it to day 39!

I’m so excited that we are taking steps that’ll help us get and keep out of debt! Today we are focusing on contentment. It starts with constant communication with God. Constant communication with God truly helps us break the habit of complaining.

If we express gratitude by...

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Paying Back What is Borrowed


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Week 6:Getting Out of Debt and Keeping Out of Debt

Today’s Easy Task:  Pay Off Debt with the Snowball Method

How to rock this task: 

  • Make the minimum payment on all accounts
  • Put extra money towards the smallest balance
  • Once that debt is paid off, then use the extra money towards the next smallest debt until all debts are paid

Today's Devotional:

Now that we have taken the steps to be free from cosigning and rushing into contracts, we should do what it takes it get out of debt. If we get in debt with no plans to pay it back, God considers you wicked (Psalm 37:21). It may take us weeks, months, or years to pay it back. Whatever the time period may be, to get out of debt we need a plan of repayment. . We need to make a list of all our debts and pay them off from the smallest to largest. Proverbs 21:5 says the plans of the diligent leads to abundance, but...

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Limit Expenses, Avoid Co-signing Contracts & Signing Rushed Contracts


New to Faith and Fit 90 Challenge? Subscribe to the Faith and Fit 90 Challenge Playlist HERE.

Week 6: Getting Out of Debt and Keeping Out of Debt

Today’s Easy Task: Create a one page budget and don't rest until we are out of all cosigned and rushed signed contractual arrangements

How to rock this task: 

  • Create a one page budget
  • Don’t rest until we are out of all cosigned and rushed signed contractual arrangements

Today's Devotional:

This week we will focus on getting out of debt and keeping out of debt. If our expenses are more than 1/3 of income, we are probably in over our head in expenses and/or debt. If we have debt, it is probably impossible for us to limit our expenses to 1/3 of income. Since many people are imprisoned by debt, we should be willing to explore other ways to live than by paycheck to paycheck to cover our expenses. If we have trouble limiting our expenses to 1/3rd of our income, we should start asking God for...

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