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Week 6:Getting Out of Debt and Keeping Out of Debt
Today’s Easy Task: Pay Off Debt with the Snowball Method
How to rock this task:
Today's Devotional:
Now that we have taken the steps to be free from cosigning and rushing into contracts, we should do what it takes it get out of debt. If we get in debt with no plans to pay it back, God considers you wicked (Psalm 37:21). It may take us weeks, months, or years to pay it back. Whatever the time period may be, to get out of debt we need a plan of repayment. . We need to make a list of all our debts and pay them off from the smallest to largest. Proverbs 21:5 says the plans of the diligent leads to abundance, but hastiness leads to poverty. If we work diligently, we will build strong character and strong character will build hard work and hard work will help us to be persistent.
Today’s Prayer:
God, You are Elohim – full of strength and power. You are Jehovah Jireh – for You see our needs and provide. Although debt isn’t a sin, it is a sin to not payback debt. So we ask that You give us today the means we need to payback all of our lenders as quickly as possible. So we can be debt free. So we can be lenders and not borrowers. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Today's Scriptures: Psalm 37:21, Proverbs 21:5
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