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Week 4: Knowing Scriptures
Today’s Easy Task:
Check to see if your ducks are in a row
How to rock this task:
Today's Devotional:
Our focus today is seeking God’s will. Sometimes it hard to determine if something is in God’s will so the best thing to do is check if all our ducks are in a row and moving in the same direction. In other words, scripture, signs, spirit, saints and sense should confirm that we are in God’s will. God gives us scriptures in the Bible to confirm if something is in His will. God gives us signs when we ask to confirm if something is in His. God gives us peace in our spirit to confirm if something is in His will. God gives us godly counsel to confirm if something is in His will (Proverbs 15:22). Lastly, God gives us our senses to determine if something is in His will.
Some people don’t do better. It’s not because no one is showing them how, but it’s because they refuse to listen. In the Bible, that is considered foolish and doesn’t please God (Jeremiah 4:22). It’s foolish to not spend time with God daily. It’s foolish to not read scripture. How can we find out the truth for ourselves and tap into the power of God if we don’t know what truth to obey.
So instead of acting foolish, God wants for us to act wise. Solomon asked God for wisdom and knowledge so he could lead and God granted wisdom and knowledge to Him plus more (2 Chronicles 1:10-12).
Sometimes it easier to be foolish and ignorant because we don’t want the responsibility to change and we would rather reject the Truth in God’s word. Lacking knowledge and rejecting knowledge causes destruction (Hosea 4:6). Instead let us seek wisdom and knowledge everyday from God so we can change for the better.
When seeking God’s we should listen, obey and be thankful.
Listen to God Word, because He is always speaking, but we don’t always hear Him because of distraction. So we much take the time to listen.
Obey God by tapping into His power. He’s give us the power to stand and do His will.
Be thankful by listening and obeying God with joy. The more you are thankful, the more endorphins you will experience as you do God’s will.
Be healthy, be wealthy for God! He doesn’t want us to settle. He wants us to have energy, be able to build the kingdom. Do better than the day before. Yield better profit in health and wealth.
Today’s Prayer:
God, You are Elohim- Mighty and Strong. You deliver, forgive and guide. We need more of You, more of Your presence in our lives. Cleanse us from unrighteousness; continually fill us with Your Holy Spirit, so we may full of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, faithfulness, meekness and self-control. When making our daily decision, help all of our ducks to be in a row. Help us to use scripture, signs, spirit, saints and senses to confirm if something is in Your Will. Help us to stay on the path of righteousness, resist temptation and deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom, power and glory forever. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Today's Scriptures:
Proverbs 15:22, Jeremiah 4:22, 2 Chronicles 1:10-12, Hosea 4:6
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