Give Cheerfully and Not Under Compulsion


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Week 8: Giving 

Today’s Easy Task:  Give our money and time cheerfully

How to rock this task: 

  • write the ways you will give to God cheerfully when giving your money and time

Today's Devotional:

It’s so important for us to have the right attitude when giving. 2 Corinthians 9:7 explains how when giving our hearts should be cheerful and not reluctant or under compulsion. It should be a natural part of our routine. When we give our income and our time to God, we are demonstrating how much we value God in our lives (Matthew 23:23). The key is for us to not feel weary or give out of obligation or fear, but give because we want to connect to God and spend time with Him.

The best way to create the habit of giving is by making it a part of our everyday lives. We should include God in our daily activities, when we are exercising, dressing, cleaning, eating, cooking, driving, working, and in meetings. In all our ways, we should acknowledge God so He can direct our paths (Proverbs 3:6). The ways we can acknowledge God is by setting aside a certain percentage of your income for giving and doing under our breath prayers and praises.

Let’s try to give 1/3 of our income and 1/3 of our time. That doesn’t mean the 1/3rd of our income goes only to our church, a tenth of our income should go to the church but the other percentage can go toward activities that build up the kingdom of God – just like the good Samaritan in the Bible (Luke 10:25-37).

Moreover, it doesn’t mean that we should pray 8 hours a day on your knees doing nothing else. Instead, our attitude, thoughts should constantly thinking about God, thanking Him for His kindness, meditating on His promises and asking for His help.

Today’s Prayer:

God, You are awesome and we love You. Give us a clean heart and renew the right spirit in us so that we can have the right attitude when giving. Help us to give with all our hearts cheerfully, not reluctantly or under compulsion. Help us to make giving a natural part of our routine so we can demonstrate to You how much we value You in our lives. Help us to include You in our daily activities, when we are exercising, dressing, cleaning, eating, cooking, driving, working, and in meetings. In all our ways help us to acknowledge You so You can direct our paths. Help us to give a certain percentage of our income to organizations that help build Your kingdom and Your people. Help our attitude and thoughts to constantly thinking about You, thanking You for Your kindness, meditating on Your promises and asking You for help when needed. Forgive us for not giving and spending time with You. Forgive us for have a bad attitude when giving and spending time with You. Forgive any other debts, trespasses, and sins as we forgive our debtors and those who have trespassed and sinned against us. Lead us not into temptation. Everyday help us to be equipped with the full armor of God as You deliver us from evil. For Yours is the Kingdom, Power and Glory. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.

Today's Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 9:7, Matthew 23:23, Proverbs 3:6, Luke 10:25-37


Tweet: Today I will give God my money and time cheerfully. DAY 52: #FaithandFit90 #Giving #GivingCheerfullyAndNotUnderCompulsion

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