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Week 4: Knowing Scriptures
Today’s Easy Task: Put together a jigsaw puzzle
How to rock this task:
Today's Devotional:
I’m so glad we have made it to week 4. Hallelujah!! Our focus this week is knowing the scripture and our focus today is learning to follow God’s plan by putting together a jigsaw puzzle. With the first puzzle we will see the entire “puzzle picture” as we put the puzzle pieces together. However, with the last puzzle we will not see the entire puzzle picture as we put together, which will make putting together the last puzzle a lot more frustrating than putting together the first puzzle.
Mainly because we don’t know upfront how the puzzle will end up looking. However, if we keep putting the puzzle pieces together, we will eventually get to see the entire picture. The key is not giving up, but going and never stopping. In the same way, we must trust God with the big picture and as He gives us instructions one piece at a time we shouldn’t give up and stop following them when we don’t see the entire picture.
We must know that God is in control (Ecclesiastes 7:14), He has a great plan for our lives (Jeremiah 29:11), He puts everything together in His time (Proverbs 19:21), and there is no need for us to worry (Matthew 6:25-27)
Also remember that God has provided us a guide to give us instructions for all matters of life. His instructions always benefit us and help us to enjoy a life of peace and comfort, but we must take the time to learn and study them. God has an eating plan for us to helps us acquire and maintain great health as well as a money plan that helps us acquire and maintain great wealth. We just have to choose whether we want to follow and obey his instructions.
God gives us good things, but He wants us to choose Him first. God doesn’t want us to skimp our time with Him. He wants us to Pray, Study, and Read His Word. God wants for us to be wise, not wasteful, and not careless.
The Bible is a covenant. It is a pact between God and His people. The purpose of the covenant is to keep a promise and if it is broken there are consequences. God always keeps His promises, but God’s people have a hard time keeping their promises. Sometimes they do it successfully and sometimes unsuccessfully. God sent His son Jesus to save us (John 3:17) and that why Jesus left us the Holy Spirit so we can have power to do God’s will and stick to our part of the pact (John 14:26).
Numbers 30:2 says “If a man makes a vow to the Lord, or swears an oath to bind himself by some agreement, he shall not break his word; he shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth” and Jeremiah 11:3 says, ‘Thus says the Lord God of Israel: “Cursed is the man who does not obey the words of this covenant”.
When we accept Jesus in our heart by speaking and believing God raised Jesus from the dead. We are saved, and our salvation isn’t an excuse for us to not keep our part of the covenant, but to rely on the Holy Spirit transformed the heart (Zechariah 4:6)
Today’s Prayer:
God, You are Jehovah Nissi. You are our banner. That means you are our protection and deliverance. When we are weary, upset, discombobulated, you send us supernatural help to overcome obstacles we face as long as we trust, believe and depend on You. Lord we yield our spirit, soul and body to You. Let your will be done in our life. Give us today everything we need to be healthier and wealthier according to Your will. Forgive us for our sins as we forgive those who sins against us. For Yours is the kingdom in heaven and earth forever. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Today's Scriptures:
Ecclesiastes 7:14, Jeremiah 29:11, Proverbs 19:21, Matthew 6:25-27, John 3:17, John 14:26, Numbers 30:2, Jeremiah 11:3, Zechariah 4:6
Tweet: Today I will put together a jigsaw puzzle. DAY 22: #FaithandFit90 #KnowingTheScriptures #DoNotForsakeGodsPlanLive Healthier and Wealthier God's Way!
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