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Week 8: Giving
Today’s Easy Task: Make ourselves more valuable
How to rock this task:
Today's Devotional:
When we keep good records and stick to our budget we are being responsible managers. God owns everything and entrusts us to be responsible managers of His assets (1 Corinthians 4:2). When we borrow anything, it is important that we treat what we have borrowed more carefully than our own things.
God want us to be faithful in managing the small things so He can bless us with much more. Part of being faithful in the small is by being great managers of the things God has blessed us with. God wants us to be diligent when keeping good records, because keeping good records reveals to us the truth about our spending, our earnings and our debts. Proverbs 27:23 mentions the importance of knowing the state of our flocks and taking care of our herds so we are aware of problems we are facing. We are aware of contaminations that are preventing us from growing. We are aware if we have enough provision to take care of our needs. Being diligent helps us to be in a better position to take action and correct the problems we are facing.
There are so many individuals, families and communities that once possessed a lot and lost everything. Their assets didn’t last because of carelessness and unexpected changes. So we need to do our best to keep up with the world demands, technological changes, and making ourselves more valuable. As we serve, let’s focus on delivering more in value than for which we receive in payment. We need to wisely invest our time, efforts and skills, but we must keep God first, because without the Lord our hard work will be in vain (Psalms 127:1). We should stay in constant communication with God, because God knows the future and He is our ever present help when we need Him (Psalm 46:1).
Today’s Prayer:
God, we love You. We are so thankful for You. You deserve all the glory, honor and praise. Let Your kingdom come and will be done in our lives. Help us keep good records and stick to our budget so we can be responsible managers. Help us to be faithful in managing the small things so You can trust us with much more. Let us be diligent to know the state of our flocks and the troubles of our herd. There are so many setbacks and contaminations that can prevent us from growing and taking care of our needs. Forgive us for our carelessness when managing our things. We need Your help to keep up with the world demands, technological changes, and making ourselves more valuable. Help us to deliver more in value than for which we receive in payment. Help us to wisely invest our time, efforts and skills. Help us to keep You first. Help us to stay in constant communication with You God, because You know the future and are our ever present help when we need You. Forgive us for all our debts, trespasses, and sins as we forgive our debtors and those who have trespassed and sinned against us. Lead us not into temptation. Everyday help us to be equipped with the full armor of God as You deliver us from evil. For Yours is the Kingdom, Power and Glory. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.
Today's Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 4:2, Proverbs 27:23, Psalms 127:1, Psalms 46:1
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