Building Faith: Review, Reflect, Relax


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Week 3: Building Faith

Today’s Easy Task:  Analyze how well you committed to Building Faith!

How to rock this task: 

  • Review the easy tasks
  • Reflect on how the easy tasks helped you Build Faith 
  • Relax because tomorrow you will start the next series Week 4:Knowing the Scriptures

Today's Devotional:

We have completed Week 3 of Faith and Fit 90 Series 1: Building Faith. Take this day to review, reflect, and relax.

Day 15: Did you compare your thoughts to scriptures? Review What were the negative thoughts you compared to scriptures? Reflect How did comparing negative thoughts to scriptures help you build faith?

Day 16: Did you follow God? Review What were the ways you followed God in your health and wealth routine? Reflect How did following God help you build faith?

Day 17: Did you break curses? Review What was the purpose of praying...

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Unplugging, Listening & Obeying God


New to Faith and Fit 90 Challenge? Subscribe to the Faith and Fit 90 Challenge Playlist HERE.

Week 3: Building Faith

Today’s Easy Task:  Fast from technology for 24 hrs & practice obedience 

How to rock this task: 

  • Take a 24-hour break from technology (television, video games, tablet devices, computers, phones, and smart watches) one day a week (recommend on Sabbath day) and use that time to connect with God.
  • When God speaks to you, stop whatever you are doing to enthusiastically sing the song "Yes Lord, Yes" by Shirley Caesar, and then hustle as quickly as possible to do what God says.

Today's Devotional:

You have made it to Day 19 & 20!


The day before Yesterday, you meditated on 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and Matthew 7:24-27. Today, select a day to unplug – fast from technology for 24 hours so you can spend time to rest with God.

In life, there are so many distractions; sometimes, it is necessary...

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Getting Right with God's Word!


New to Faith and Fit 90 Challenge? Subscribe to the Faith and Fit 90 Challenge Playlist HERE.

Week 3: Building Faith

Today’s Easy Task:  Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and Matthew 7:24-27

How to rock this task: 

  • Study 2 Timothy 3:16-17
  • Study Matthew 7:24-27

Today's Devotional:

You’ve made it to Day 18!

Are you taking the time to ask God for a clean heart, continual filling of the Holy Spirit, and strength to put on the Whole Armor of God every day? I genuinely hope so. Today, you are going to take your faith to the next level by emphasizing the importance of God’s Word.

As sin increased on the earth, the days of man were shortened according to the Bible. So it’s possible to die before the appointed time. Pray that you don’t die before appointed time because of wickedness.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 says that “All Scriptures are breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and...

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Breaking Curses


New to Faith and Fit 90 Challenge? Subscribe to the Faith and Fit 90 Challenge Playlist HERE.

Week 3: Building Faith

Today’s Easy Task:  Pray and Study Psalm 139:23-24, Act 13:52, and Ephesians 6:10-20

How to rock this task: 

  • Study Psalm 139:23-24 
  • Study Acts 13:52 
  • Study Ephesians 6:10-20 

Today's Devotional:

Yesterday, you checked in with God! That’s Awesome!

Today is now the time for breaking the curse and removing all hindrances! Pray and study Psalm 139:23-24, Acts 13:52, and Ephesians 6:10-20. Psalm 139:23-24 gives instructions on a clean heart. Acts 13:52 gives instructions on being filled with the Holy Spirit and not evil spirits. Ephesians 6:10-20 gives instructions on the whole armor of God.

When God gives instructions, keep it, protect it, and obey it because it gives life and blessings (Proverbs 4:13, Deuteronomy 28:1-14). Avoid disobeying God’s instructions, because it opens a doorway for...

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Following God


New to Faith and Fit 90 Challenge? Subscribe to the Faith and Fit 90 Challenge Playlist HERE.

Week 3: Building Faith

Today’s Easy Task:  Check in with God

How to rock this task: 

  • Ask God how are you doing with following through on the plan he has for you concerning health and wealth 
  • Ask God to help you better follow through on the plan He has for you concerning health and wealth 

Today's Devotional:

You’ve made it to Day 16. Well done! This week You are focusing on building faith!

Yesterday, you learned that every thought that goes through your head isn’t automatically true, and you should compare them to scriptures. Today, you are focusing on the fact that God has created you for a great purpose. Your purpose is unique and special. Your purpose is more significant than anything you could ever imagine (1 Corinthians 2:9). The details of your one-of- a-kind plan is so intricate that you must check in with God...

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Comparing Thoughts to Scriptures


New to Faith and Fit 90 Challenge? Subscribe to the Faith and Fit 90 Challenge Playlist HERE.

Week 3: Building Faith

Today’s Easy Task:  Compare Thoughts to Scripture

How to rock this task: 

  • List the negative thoughts we’ve been telling ourselves on a regular basis 
  • Compare those negative thoughts to Scriptures 
  • Replace those lies with God’s Word 

Today's Devotional:


This week focus on building faith!

How you handle the thoughts that go through your head is important. Every thought in your head doesn’t always come from you, because sometimes Satan can put thoughts in your head and distract you and rob you from fulfilling God’s purpose in your lives.

That is why you must be cautious about how you think because your thinking can positively or negatively affect your life. If a thought pops in your head, that doesn’t mean that thought is accurate and you have to believe it. You should...

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