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Week 9: Resting
Today’s Easy Task: Drink a bottle of spring, alkaline, or filter tap water with fresh lemon or lime juice
How to rock this task:
Today's Devotional:
Hydration is very important. Hydration is so important that the bible says if we give a cup of water to God’s followers we shall receive a reward (Matthew 10:42).
Little hydration actually can make you sick. If your body drops 1% of hydration we can become naturally and physically impaired. Drinking half of our body weight is recommended by many professionals. We should avoid drinking water with meals, but instead drink water 1 hour before or 1 hour after meals. Also, we should avoid drinking water or liquids 2 or 3 hours before sleep to prevent waking up throughout the night to use the bathroom, because each time we wake up we take ourselves out of stage 4 deep sleep.
One easy way to start the habit of drinking more water is by making a bottle of water with fresh lemon juice by the bed at night to drink 1st thing in the morning. This habit is ideal, because water helps the body to generate electrical and magnetic energy in each cell. It helps prevent DNA damages. It helps the body make repairs. It helps the bone marrow fight cancer, because the bone marrow is when the immune system is formed. When the bone marrow is strengthen the immune system is strengthen. It helps convert food to energy. It helps prevent constipation. It helps decrease premenstrual cycle pain and hot flashes.
There are certain chemical added to tap water that we should avoid. Chlorine is one of them. It was added to tap water to prevent bacteria build up that occurs when water sits still instead of moving. Unfortunately, digested chlorine has been linked to cancer, birth defects and miscarriages. Moreover, when we shower in chlorine, it affects our skin by forming acne, eczema, and psoriasis. The other chemical that is added to tap water is fluoride. Fluoride is found in most drinks and it was added to tap water to kills harmful bacteria that may build up when water is standing still. However, when it is digested, it hurts the liver, overworks the kidneys, decrease fertility, affects our ability to sleep, increases Alzheimer and dementia. Therefore, according to The Truth About Cancer, it is recommend that we use shower filters and water filtersto remove these chemicals from our water. To test to see if the chemical are in the water, we can use saliva slips to test alkalize levels. Moreover, lemons and limes naturally alkalize the water.
Today’s Prayer:
God, You reign forever and ever in the heavens and on earth. We are so thankful for You. You deserve all the glory, honor and praise. Let Your kingdom come and will be done in our lives. Help us hydrate our bodies and avoid drinking liquids 2 or 3 hours before sleeping so we can have uninterrupted sleep. Thank you for allowing the water we drink to help generate electrical and magnetic energy of our cells, help prevent DNA damages, help repair our body, help the bone marrow fight cancer, help convert food to energy, help prevent constipation, help decrease premenstrual cycle pain and hot flashes. Thank you for giving us the tools that will help us remove the harmful chemicals from our water. We don’t want cancer, birth defects, miscarriages, acne, eczema, psoriasis, damaged liver, overworked kidneys, decrease fertility, increased risk of Alzheimer and dementia. We ask You to forgive us for all our debts, trespasses, and sins as we forgive our debtors and those who have trespassed and sinned against us. Lead us not into temptation. Everyday help us to be equipped with the full armor of God as You deliver us from evil. For Yours is the Kingdom, Power and Glory. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.
Today's Scriptures: Matthew 10:42
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