Day 3 of Raw Food Challenge

raw food challenge Sep 21, 2020

God is so good!  When I wake up in the morning, I try to record my dreams.  I don't quite remember my dream this time.  I just remember it was like I was walking in faith and I can honestly say.  That's my reality now.  I'm walking in faith.  I don't want the things that I'm doing to seem religious.  Instead, I want the them to be viewed as someone who want deep intimacy, fellowship with God so His Will be done and Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.  We need more love here on earth and God is working on me so I can be a vessel that shows His love.  I cannot imagine praying and communicating with God without feeling His presence and hearing His voice.  The days that God seems far away from me.  I ask God to show me the hinderance and ask God to help me take the steps needed to remove the hinderances and come out of agreement with it.  Also, I ask God to purify my heart, because those who are pure in heart see more and more of God.

Since I've been feeling a hinderance when praying with WMI Prayer and Fast Group. , I ask God to help me.  Today I truly felt more engaged and I'm very thankful.  I am learning that I have to deal with issues head on and right away.  I don't want to miss out on any blessing God has for me or miss out on being apart of so many other individuals lives being transform by the loving kindness and tender mercies of the Lord.

After the prayer, my mom and I read the following Unite 7:14 prayer, day 2 declaration, and morning prayer. 

Week 27 Unite 7:14 weekly Prayer

James Goll's Day 2 Morning Declaration

The morning prayer my mom got from a silent retreat center in Georgia

After reading those prayers, I had my Essiac tea and did my intercession prayer podcast.  In the podcast, I prayed that God will help you grow in your business/workplace/ministry with Christ. 

I prayed with my prayer partner and she shared with me some powerful revelation that I plan on getting further insight on later tonight during my quiet time before bed.  I ate breakfast and started working on my to-do list for the day.  After I completed my to-do list for work and ate lunch.    

My meals:

  • berry smoothie
  • tacos with spinach mango pineapple smoothie

After I ate my second meal, I got hungry shortly after, but I started prepping my meal my meal for the week.  Then as I started prepping the meals, my hunger went away...interesting ???  So I didn't eat dinner, which was fine because I got my pound of leafy greens and pound of veggies in today šŸ¤©

As usual my mom and I read day 2 noon day declaration and Unite 7:14 night prayer, day 2 night declaration, and evening prayer from the silent retreat center.

James Goll's Day 2 Noon Declaration

James Goll's Day 2 Night Declaration

Georgia Retreat Center Evening Prayer

Now it's time for me to get my steps in.  I'm not sure why I wait until the end of the day to get my steps in. Then I will have my much much needed quiet time with the Lord.  

My steps for today:



As usually I pray, I inspired you Live Healthier and Wealthier God's Way in your body, spirit and soul!

Let's connect:


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