Be a Morning Person


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Week 9: Resting 

Today’s Easy Task:  Go to bed few hours after sunset and wake up a few hours before sunrise 

How to rock this task: 

  • Go to bed few hours after sunset
  • Wake up a few hours before sunrise

Today's Devotional:

We have made it to day 59! 

Today we are taking the steps to go to bed few hours after sunset and wake up a few hours before sunrise.   

Since Jesus rose very early in the morning before sunrise to pray, we should follow His example (Mark 1:35).  It is important that we wake up gradually and not suddenly, because it stimulates the body unnecessarily and causes side effects, such as headaches.   

If we were to look at the animals and their wake up routine, we will notice that only the sick animals wake up after sunrise.  If we are well, it’s a good idea for us to go to bed a few hours after sunset and wake up a few hours before sunrise.   

If we really think about it, it is in the late night hours that we are tempted the most and sins are usually committed.  The overeating and over indulging usually happen at night, because our guards are down.  Also, when we lack sleep, we become tired, lazy and lack motivation to do the things that need to get done (Proverbs 6:9). 

So let’s focus on going to bed a few hours after sunset and waking up a few hours before sunrise. 

Today’s Prayer:

God, You reign forever and ever in the heavens and on earth.  We are so thankful for You.  You deserve all the glory, honor and praise. Let Your kingdom come and will be done in our lives.  Help us go to bed at sunset and wake up at sunrise, because Jesus rose very early in the morning before sunrise to pray and we should follow His example. Help us to wake up gradually and not suddenly.  We don’t want to overeat and over indulge because our guards are down and we are tired.  Forgive us for becoming lazy and lacking motivation and not getting things done.  Also, we ask You to please forgive us for all our debts, trespasses, and sins as we forgive our debtors and those who have trespassed and sinned against us.  Lead us not into temptation.  Everyday help us to be equipped with the full armor of God as You deliver us from evil.  For Yours is the Kingdom, Power and Glory.  In Jesus Name I pray. Amen. 

Today's Scriptures:  Mark 1:35, Proverbs 6:9 


Tweet: Today I will go to bed a few hours after sunset and wake up a few hours before sunrise. DAY 59: #FaithandFit90 #Resting #BeingAMorningPerson

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Want this week of the Faith & Fit 90 in physical book format?  You can get a printed copy of “Week 9 of Faith and Fit 90 Series: Resting” by Vernice Maz at the following link 


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