Copycat Kale Salad Recipe Inspired by Tassili’s Raw Food Cafe

Uncategorized Apr 03, 2023

I want to eat raw vegan (I preferred to say plant-based) for a few months to see if it will make me look younger, because I work 3rd shift I tend to be awake during the day & night, which has caused me to look older although I’ve always looked younger than my age.  

The Lord introduced me to the Eat to Live plan and this plan has allowed me to lose over 100 pounds.  I want to still use the guidelines of Eat to Live plan as I transition to eating mostly raw plant-based foods.  

Eating a pound of leafy greens every day is the goal for me and Tassili's Raw Reality Café have some amazing kale salads.  

I searched the internet and found “Copycat Punany Kale Wrap by ALEX FINCH” 

The salad I made was completely inspired by the copycat punany kale wrap recipe except that I made some exception considering the nutritarian way of eating and I used the recipe to make a salad instead of a wrap.

The salad included….

  1. Raw cream corn with couscous 
  2. Wash & Dry Chopped Kale Leave removing the stems (I save the stems for my smoothies)  
  3. Spice mixture 
  4. Mixed Kale & Spice Mixture 
  5. Add-ins
  6. Vegan Parmesan Cheese 

🌽Raw cream corn with couscous

  • 2 cans (16oz) of whole kernel corn
  • 1 can (1cup) of coconut cream
  • 10 oz (1.25cup) couscous 

Combine all the ingredients in a mason jar or airtight container and let sit overnight in the fridge.

🥬Wash & Dry Kale

I wash my kale to remove pesticides and other impurities like dust and dirt. I add baking soda and vinegar to my water to clean my veggies it prevents bacteria, fungi and other viruses from developing.  Then I cut kale leafs to bite size pieces and dry them.  I remove stems and set them aside to freeze them so I can use them as greens for my smoothies.

🌶️Spice mixture 

  • 1/2 tbsp of chili pepper powder
  • 1/2 tbsp of cayenne pepper,
  • 2 tbsp liquid of coconut aminos,
  • 2 tbsp of maple syrup,
  • juice of a 1 lemon (approximately 2 tbsp)
  • 2 clove of garlic,

Blend chili pepper powder, cayenne pepper, liquid coconut aminos, maple syrup, juice of a lemon, clove of garlic, in a food processor.

🥣Mixed Kale & Spice Mixture 

Take the chopped kale and place it in a large mixing bowl. Add tge spice mixture on top and massage it into the kale until it starts to wilt.


  • 1⁄3 cup red onion, diced
  • 1 whole avocado, diced
  • 1⁄4 cup golden raisins
  • 1 1/2 cup coconut corn with couscous 

Add the red onion, avocado, golden raisins, coconut corn with couscous to the salad and fold in until everything is evenly combined.

🧀Vegan Parmesan Cheese (from minimalist baker)

  •  3/4 cup raw cashews
  •  3 Tbsp nutritional yeast
  •  3/4 tsp sea salt
  •  1/4 tsp garlic powder

Pulse until fine meal in food processor.  Then sprinkle on top of salad.  


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