There are so many ways to get out of debt and keep out of debt. You can make wise decisions and avoid debt together. You can formulate a good strategy to pay off the debt while you increase your wealth. You can increase your income and value with gainful employment, witty ideas, implementing your action plan while being consistent and disciplined. You can keep good records by keeping track of what you spend, owe, and earn. You can create a one-page budget and stick to it. You can decrease your expenses.
Whatever you decide to do, it is important for you to know that God is a good father and wants to make sure you have everything you need to have hope and a future. So as your health and wealth advocate, I am praying that you get out of debt and keep out of debt so you can be a lender and not a borrower. Click on the hyperlinks to see, hear, and read my intercessory prayers for you.
Live Healthier & Wealthier,
There are so many ways to work hard and work smart. We can multiply the resources God has blessed us with. We can be committed and consistent in the plan of actions we are working on to reach our desired goals. We can depend on the Holy Spirit to counsel and guide us in our day-to-day decisions.
When we follow God commands and allow God to lead us and direct our path, it leads to blessings. The Lord teaches us how to be better with our money, health and resources. We can never know more than God. So as your health and wealth advocate, I am praying that you work hard and work smart. Click on the hyperlink to see, hear, and read my intercessory prayers for you.
Live Healthier & Wealthier,
Today, I will focus on the importance of detoxifying our body. There are so many ways we can detoxify our bodies. We can do a juice feast. We can do Daniel fast. We can do 5-day challenge, like the one that I do various times throughout the year. I have one coming up December 14th - 18th.
Our blood carries away our waste and brings oxygen and nutrients to every cell in the body when we eat greens and nutritional foods. Just like the blood of Jesus carries away our sins and brings the Holy Spirit within us when we invite Jesus in our heart and come out of agreement with lies and curses through inner healing and deliverance.
You can see, hear and read my prayer for you to detox your blood.
Today, I want to focus on the importance of you stick to your plan of action to live healthier and wealthier in your body/spirit/soul, finances, and business/workplace/ministry.
When we stick to our plan of action, we are building faith. The Bible says in James 2:26 "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also." This means that it is so important for us to have a spirit-led plan. Write that plan, make it plain, so we can work it (Habbakuh 2:2).
Today, I want to focus on the importance of our words.
The Bible says that life and death is in the power of the tongue. So we must do whatever we can to speak life. We need to speak life to our dead situation. We should even bring the dead to life.
I truly don't understand when individuals proudly declare gloom into the future of our nation. As believers, we should be like Abraham who was quick to intercede for Sodom and Gomorrah when God told him that he was going to destroy the town.
Abraham pleads for God to save the town and he asked God to spare the town if there were 10 righteous people found in the city.
I want to intercede for you and ask God to help you take the steps needed to speak life. I pray that you grow to love the Word of God every day and that you desire to...
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